28 Mar. (28 Ramadan)
Fajr Thuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Friday
Adhaan 06:11 AM 01:33 PM 05:03 PM 07:45 PM 08:53 PM 01:30 PM
Iqamah 06:30 AM 01:45 PM 05:30 PM 07:50 PM 09:15 PM
28 Mar. (28 Ramadan)
Fajr Thuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Friday
06:11 AM 01:33 PM 05:03 PM 07:45 PM 08:53 PM 01:30 PM
06:30 AM 01:45 PM 05:30 PM 07:50 PM 09:15 PM


Home / Worship

As a Muslim community center, we offer daily prayers, Friday Jumu’ah and Ramadan Taraweeh.

Daily Prayer

As a youth center, and in line with our “Why” statement, to keep youth God-Centered, we do offer all (5) daily prayers at the youth center. We have a committed Hafiz who always leads prayers on time. Although not a full time imam available for other religious services, but regardless, you can count on MAS to perform your daily prayers on time, and in peace

Friday Prayer

MAS Dallas offers Friday prayer (Jum’ah) every Friday during the entire year. The congregational prayer starts at 1:30 pm, and the prayer is led by a different Imam every week.

Monthly Qiyam

Qiam night occurs the last Friday of every month. Qiam is a continuation of prayer after Isha prayer for adults and older youth above 14 years of age, which is led by one of our local community Imams. As part of the program, attendees listen to a short reminder, ending the night with some refreshments. Younger youth ages 7-13 enjoy their own program that includes lessons from the lives of the sahaba and games and crafts. Babysitting is provided for children under 6 years of age.

Ramadan Taraweeh

During the holy month of Ramadan, MAS Dallas community performs Qiyamul Layl prayer every night after Isha prayer. Taraweeh prayers begin from the first Moon-sighted evening (start) to second Moon-sighted evening (last day of Ramadan). The prayer is led by a chosen community Imam.

To learn more, please contact the program staff at:
Email: officemanager@masdfw.org
T: (972) 633-9692
