13 Mar. (13 Ramadan)
Fajr Thuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Friday
Adhaan 06:32 AM 01:37 PM 05:00 PM 07:34 PM 08:41 PM 01:30 PM
Iqamah 06:45 AM 01:45 PM 05:30 PM 07:39 PM 09:15 PM
13 Mar. (13 Ramadan)
Fajr Thuhr Asr Maghrib Isha Friday
06:32 AM 01:37 PM 05:00 PM 07:34 PM 08:41 PM 01:30 PM
06:45 AM 01:45 PM 05:30 PM 07:39 PM 09:15 PM


Home / Muhsen Certification

We are MUHSEN Certified!

Welcome to MAS Dallas – Proudly Certified by MUHSEN!

We are thrilled to announce that MAS Dallas has earned certification from MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs). Our commitment to supporting MUHSEN in their mission to assist families with Special Needs is unwavering.

MUHSEN certifies centers that actively strive to create inclusive spaces for community members with special needs.

If you have a family member with Special Needs, please feel free to reach out to us at communication@masdfw.org to share any specific requirements or concerns you may have. Rest assured that all responses will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and will be shared exclusively with the dedicated MUHSEN team. Your well-being and comfort are our top priorities!


    • Enhanced Accessibility Features: Our facility ensures wheelchair accessibility with the inclusion of ramps and elevators.

    • Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment: We conduct regular surveys within our community to better understand and address specific needs.

    • Transparent Information: You can find information about our disability services prominently featured on the mosque’s official website.

    • Empowering Sermons: We offer Khutbas dedicated to disability awareness at least four times a year, fostering understanding and inclusion.

    • Promoting Awareness: Join us for disability awareness events held at the mosque at least twice a year, encouraging dialogue and understanding.

    • Convenient Facilities: Our facilities provide accessible restrooms and wudu areas to cater to all members of our community.

    • Dedicated Support: A specialized Special Needs/Disability Facilitator is available to assist and support you within the mosque.

    • Online Program Accessibility: Detailed information about our programs and services, including accessibility details, is readily available on our website.
